Big News About Fr. Umberg and our Family of Parishes

Big News About Fr. Umberg and our Family of Parishes

Fr. Andrew Umberg, the pastor of Our Lady of Divine Providence Family of Parishes, has received a new appointment, beginning this Fall. Fr. Umberg received the appointment during a phone call early afternoon on Wednesday, August 28.

Fr. Umberg has been appointed the new pastor of St. Ignatius Parish (on North Bend Road in Monfort Heights). He will be leaving our Family of Parishes around October 10th. His last weekend as pastor here will be October 5th and 6th. The following weekend, he will be celebrating Masses at St. Ignatius. Soon following, there will be a “From the Pastor’s Desk” article by Fr. Umberg explaining more about this change. The heart of the matter is that two very large parishes lost their pastors this summer, and they needed two experienced pastors to move from their recent Beacons of Light assignments to fill them.

Fr. Ronald Haft has agreed to serve as temporary administrator of our Family of Parishes until July 1, 2025. He will, therefore, act with the authority of a pastor in all matters of our Family of Parishes.

Fr. Henry Hoffman, who is presently serving as vicar at the SW-7 Family of Parishes (Westwood), has been appointed as a new vicar for our Family of Parishes. Presumably he will be here until July 1, 2025 (perhaps longer; this has not yet been determined).