Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)

Altar Servers

Fr. Ronald Haft


Any Catholic in 4th grade or older (including adults) can be trained to assist the celebrant during Mass by carrying the cross, holding the book, bringing items to the altar, etc. In addition to providing training, we try to help new servers by pairing them with more experienced servers who help them “learn the ropes”. […]

Art and Environment

The perfect ministry for those with an artistic eye! Art & Environment decorates the interior of our church for special liturgies, feast days, and liturgical seasons (Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter). The beautiful flowers that grace our sanctuary (altar area) are made possible by the generous donations of our parishioners. Contact Sandy Hornbach to volunteer, […]

Bereavement Ministry

This ministry serves the family of deceased parishioners in planning the funeral liturgy. Trained ministers provide guidance in the selection of readings, songs, and petitions used at the Mass. The bereavement ministers also act as liaisons between the funeral director/funeral home, the parish, the priest, and the family. Volunteers work together to fulfill these responsibilities: […]

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)

For about 25 minutes during our Sunday 11:15 AM Mass (September through May), our group leader helps children (pre-school through 2nd grade) experience the Gospel in a child-friendly format and environment. We provide training as well as a teacher handbook that includes a complete lesson with ideas for activities and discussions. We aim for volunteers […]

Communion to the Homebound

Members of this ministry visit homebound parishioners on Sundays to bring them the Eucharist. Ministers with patience and compassion are a wonderful blessing to our homebound parishioners! If you would like to learn more about this ministry or would like to inform us of a homebound parishioner who would like to receive the Eucharist, please […]


“You are welcome here!” That’s the message our Greeters send through their warm words and honest smiles to those who come to celebrate Mass with us. And at the end of Mass, Greeters are there again to send folks off with a smile on their faces and a bulletin in their hands. Greeters can be […]


Lectors play a critical role in the celebration of the Mass by proclaiming the Word of God through the Scripture readings that precede the Gospel reading at each Mass. In addition to being comfortable and clear in public speaking, it’s important for a Lector to prepare in advance and develop spiritually so that they are […]

Music Ministers

The music ministry provides uplifting, spirit-filled music with a goal of leading the congregation in praise and worship of the Lord and bringing them more fully into the celebration of the Liturgy. We have an adult choir, a contemporary choir, and cantors (by audition). Traditionally, a children’s choir sings at Christmas Vigil Mass. If you […]


Who remembers to turn on the lights and sound system? Who prepares the vessels used in the liturgy (cruets, chalices, ciboria, etc.)? Who makes sure we have enough wine and hosts? And who cleans everything up afterward? The Sacristan. At each Mass, a trained sacristan arrives about 30 minutes early to be sure that everything […]


Ushers keep things flowing smoothly for members of the congregation by:– Managing the offertory collection and presentation– Managing any unique seating needs for special groups, celebrations, or individuals– Directing the flow of the Communion Procession– Assisting anyone who might need aid Each weekend Mass has an usher team that typically serves on a weekly basis. […]

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

After training, these ministers are formally commissioned to distribute the precious Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. At each of our weekend Masses we have a total of 12 individuals distributing Holy Communion. Contact Sandy Hornbach to learn more.

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