Holiday Giving Opportunities
Holiday Giving Opportunities
Our parish has many opportunities to give back to our community during the upcoming holiday season.
St. Vincent de Paul Gift Cards
Gift Cards: November 2 – December 8
Thank you for the overwhelming support of the Santa Angel Advent Giving Tree program, which benefited children in the Mount Healthy area!
We are also participating in a program for the children of Winton Place. No ornaments/gift tags are required! Simply purchase one or more $25 gift cards to Meijer, Target, or Walmart and return them to the Parish Office (during office hours or through the mail slot) in an envelope marked “SVDP Christmas program.” Thank you for ensuring that the children in our neighborhoods have a Merry Christmas!
Questions can be directed to Karen (513-315-7111).
St. Vincent de Paul Coat Drive
October 26 – January 5
We are accepting new and gently-used coats, hats, gloves, and scarves for men, women, and children. Donation boxes will be placed in the Narthex.
Questions can be directed to Diane and Jerry Eisele via the Parish Office.