27 Communion Service 6:15 am 28 Confession 4:30 pm Mass 5:00 pm 29 Children's Liturgy of the Word 11:15 am Mass 11:15 am 30 Communion Service 6:15 am Rosary 7:35 am Mass 8:00 am Rosary 7:00 pm 01 Communion Service 6:15 am Rosary 7:35 am Mass 8:00 am Adoration 8:30 am Benediction 4:45 pm Medjugorie Prayer Group 7:00 pm 02 Communion Service 6:15 am Bible Study 7:00 pm 03 Communion Service 6:15 am JPIICS School Mass 9:30 am 04 Communion Service 6:15 am 05 Greater Cincinnati Decorative Artists 9:00 am Confession 4:30 pm Mass 5:00 pm 06 Respect Life Sunday 12:00 am Children's Liturgy of the Word 11:15 am Mass 11:15 am 07 Communion Service 6:15 am Rosary 7:35 am Mass 8:00 am Rosary 7:00 pm 08 Communion Service 6:15 am Rosary 7:35 am Mass 8:00 am Adoration 8:30 am Benediction 4:45 pm Medjugorie Prayer Group 7:00 pm 09 Communion Service 6:15 am Bible Study 7:00 pm 10 Communion Service 6:15 am JPIICS School Mass 9:30 am 11 JPII No School (Teacher In-service) 12:00 am Communion Service 6:15 am 12 Fr. Henry's Welcome Weekend 12:00 am Confession 4:30 pm Mass 5:00 pm 13 Fr. Henry's Welcome Weekend 12:00 am Children's Liturgy of the Word 11:15 am Mass 11:15 am Private Event 12:30 pm Confirmation Retreat (Offsite) 3:00 pm 14 Communion Service 6:15 am Rosary 7:35 am Mass 8:00 am Rosary 7:00 pm 15 Communion Service 6:15 am Rosary 7:35 am Mass 8:00 am Adoration 8:30 am Benediction 4:45 pm Medjugorie Prayer Group 7:00 pm 16 Communion Service 6:15 am Bible Study 7:00 pm 17 Communion Service 6:15 am JPIICS School Mass 9:30 am 18 Communion Service 6:15 am Visitation (Shirley Koewler) 9:30 am Mass of Christian Burial (Shirley Koewler) 10:30 am 19 Confession 4:30 pm Mass 5:00 pm 20 World Mission Sunday 12:00 am Children's Liturgy of the Word 11:15 am Mass 11:15 am JPII's Trunk-or-Treat 2:00 pm 21 Communion Service 6:15 am Rosary 7:35 am Mass 8:00 am Rosary 7:00 pm 22 Communion Service 6:15 am Rosary 7:35 am Mass 8:00 am Adoration 8:30 am Benediction 4:45 pm Medjugorie Prayer Group 7:00 pm 23 Communion Service 6:15 am Bible Study 7:00 pm 24 Communion Service 6:15 am JPIICS School Mass 9:30 am 25 Communion Service 6:15 am 26 Visitation (Bob Rothan) 10:00 am Mass of Christian Burial (Bob Rothan) 11:00 am Confession 4:30 pm Mass 5:00 pm 27 Children's Liturgy of the Word 11:15 am Mass 11:15 am Our Lady of Fatima Prayer Event 3:00 pm 28 Communion Service 6:15 am Rosary 7:35 am Mass 8:00 am Rosary 7:00 pm 29 Communion Service 6:15 am Rosary 7:35 am Mass 8:00 am Adoration 8:30 am Benediction 4:45 pm Medjugorie Prayer Group 7:00 pm 30 Communion Service 6:15 am Bible Study 7:00 pm 31 Communion Service 6:15 am